Parution du livre “Inviting Happiness” de Sandrine Ruhlmann

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du livre  Inviting Happiness. Food Sharing in Post-communist Mongolia de Sandrine Ruhlmann (CNRS), le 26 septembre chez Brill, dans la collection Inner Asia Book Series, dirigée par D. Sneath, C. Humphrey et Uradyn E. Bulag. Il a été traduit de son livre L’appel du bonheur. Le partage alimentaire mongol, paru en 2015 dans la collection Nord-Asie (CEMS-EPHE), par Nora Scott .

For Mongols, sharing food is more than just eating meals. Through a process of “opening” and “closing”, on a daily basis or at events, in the family circle or with visitors, sharing food guarantees the proper order of social relations. It also ensures the course of the seasons and the cycle of human life. Through food sharing, humans thus invite happiness to their families and herds. Sandrine Ruhlmann has lived long months, since 2000, in the Mongolian steppe and in the city. She describes and analyzes in detail the contemporary food system and recognizes intertwined ideas and values inherited from shamanism, Buddhism and communist ideology. Through meat-on-the-bone, creamy milk skin, dumplings or sole-shaped cakes, she highlights a whole way of thinking and living.

La traduction du manuscrit français en anglais a bénéficié du soutien financier du Laboratoire d’excellence TEPSIS, du Centre Chine, Corée, Japon (CNRS UMR8173) et de l’Institut européen d’histoire et des cultures de l’alimentation (IEHCA).