20 mars 2024 : Séminaire des études sibériennes, Condorcet, Aubervilliers.

Le prochain séminaire des études sibériennes / Siberian Studies Seminar aura lieu le mercredi 20 mars 2024 de 14h à 16 h. Nous accueillerons Clément Jacquemoud (ANR CEREMONIAC; Centre Émile Durkheim (UMR 5116); Sciences Po Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux) & Pascale-Marie Milan (École Française d’Extrême Orient; IFRAE (UMR
8043); LARHRA (UMR 5190) qui présenteront le numéro collectif  “Logics, Stakes and Limits of Cultural Heritage Transmission in China, Russia and Mongolia”, EMSCAT n°54, co-dirigé par Anne Dalles Maréchal, Clément Jacquemoud, Pascale-Marie Milan et Yann Borjon-Privé.


We will present the thematic volume that we have edited with Anne Dalles Maréchal and Yann
Borjon-Privé for the journal Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, entitled “Logics, Stakes and Limits of Cultural Heritage Transmission in China, Russia and Mongolia”. Through seven case studies, we have sought to compare the heritagization of cultural practices of different ethnic groups between Russia, Mongolia and the People’s Republic of China. The similarities between the ethnic policies of these three countries provided a framework for comparing the ways in which ethnic groups take advantage of, or deal with, the new cultural heritage policies. Russian Federation, Mongolia and the People’s Republic of China are three multi-ethnic states that have signed up to the various UNESCO conventions, using them as governance tools to promote heritage sites and practices. In short, cultural heritage has become a particularly effective means of representing and circumscribing local and national identities, making them sustainable. Each article questions the  representations and the ethical and etic uses that these ethnic groups have of cultural
practices newly promoted to the rank of cultural heritage. The authors examine the different angles of heritagization, demonstrating how the issue of transmission condenses the stakes and limits of these processes. These articles offer an insight into the economic and political concerns underpinning the heritage processes that have emerged as administrations, and exhibit the extent to which populations have become involved in the question of cultural (self)-representation.

We will introduce the heritagization stakes discussed by each article, Tatiana Bulgakova will also be with us online to present the theme of her own article.

Le séminaire aura lieu au Campus Condorcet (14 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers), en salle 5.067 du bâtiment de recherche nord. Il est également possible d’y assister en ligne.
Métro Front Populaire (Ligne 12) /RER B La Plaine – Stade de France

Dmitriy Oparin (UMR Passages) et Virginie Vaté (GSRL)