28 novembre 2018 : Le séminaire des études mongoles & sibériennes – CEMS, Paris

La première séance du séminaire des études mongoles & sibériennes se tiendra le mercredi 28 novembre 2018 au Centre des Études Mongoles et Sibériennes de 14 à 16h.
54 boulevard Raspail
Salle P1-01/B1-10, 1er étage

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter  Olaf Czaja (Université de Leipzig) qui donnera une conférence sur « Maitreya worship in Tibet. Religion between art and politics »

The worship of the future Buddha Maitreya is widespread in Asia and has a long tradition. In Tibet, prayers were  dedicated to him for centuries. Nevertheless, the belief in the coming Buddha was not only purely religious, but closely interwoven with the politics of that time. This is particularly evident in the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. The diverse forms of worship dedicated to Maitreya, its ideological and political foundations, and the accompanying artistic developments from the beginning to the present are briefly presented in this lecture.

Venez nombreux !

Isabelle Charleux, Grégory Delaplace, Sandrine Ruhlmann et Virginie Vaté