24 mai 2023 : Séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes – Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet

Nous sommes heureux de vous convier à venir à la séance du séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes le  24 mai 2023 pour écouter Ines Stolpe (Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften, Universität Bonn), pour une intervention intitulée : « Homeland matters: potentials and dilemmas of nutag councils in post-socialist Mongolia » EN ANGLAIS, au Campus Condorcet, 14 cour des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers cedex., de 14h à 16h, en salle 5.001 (bâtiment de recherche nord).
Il sera également possible d’y accéder en ligne, sur inscription : isacharleux@orange.fr


Today, more than half of Mongolia’s population resides in cities, and a large number of citizens live abroad. Nutag councils (nutgiin zövlöl) are multilocal networks that connect rural and  urban spheres within and beyond national borders. Initially established after socialism as an answer to the sudden disintegration of the public infrastructure, they have become the most widespread yet – for outsiders – the least visible feature of the civil society landscape. From the 1990s, the provision of public services became largely unpredictable and the institutional void certainly did not meet the horizons of legitimate expectations for futures imagined in rural areas. When the countryside (khödöö) is considered a reservoir of cultural authenticity, it is often overlooked that prevailing notions of intactness include aspects of modern life that originated under socialism. This applies in particular to rural district centres (sum), which
are primary foci of nutag councils. Their manifold activities provide key insights into distinctive structures of relevance, knowledge cultures and (socio-)logics of practice which are characteristic of modern Mongolia.

Au plaisir de vous retrouver nombreux,
I. Charleux, G. Delaplace, D. Oparin & V. Vaté