Archives mensuelles : mai 2018

29 mai 2018 : Conférence de Julian Dierkes – Centre d’études mongoles & sibériennes – Paris

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence de Julian Dierkes, sociologue spécialiste de la Mongolie et du Japon, intitulée « Resource-based Economic Development and Democracy in Mongolia: Governance, the Unitary State and Creeping Federalism »

le mardi 29 mai 2018
de 14 à 16h
au Centre des Études Mongoles et Sibériennes
salle P1-01/B1-10 (1er étage)
54 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris 

Mongolia’s economic development has revolved around mining. One of the peculiar aspects of such development is that while public revenues from mining ventures accrue nationally, especially in a unitary state like Mongolia, many of the impacts are concentrated on specific locations. While there is little political discussion of federalism, Mongolian governments have introduced a number of measures that devolve budgets and authority to provincial (aimag) and local (soum) levels. These amount to the introduction of moderate elements of federalism in the name of avoiding social conflicts around resource projects.

Julian Dierkes (School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Julian Dierkes is a sociologist who has followed an institutional perspective on policy-making in such areas as educational policy in Japan and mining policy in Mongolia. For the past dozen years, he has been conducting research in Mongolia that focuses on democratization, social change, and economic development. He maintains an active blog focused on an analysis of contemporary Mongolia, Mongolia Focus.
Follow him @jdierkes