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À partir du 28 novembre 2018 : Le séminaire des études mongoles & sibériennes

Bonjour à tous,

Voici le programme du séminaire des études mongoles & sibériennes au C.E.M.S. 2018-2019, organisé par Isabelle Charleux, Grégory Delaplace, Sandrine Ruhlmann & Virginie Vaté.
1 mercredi par mois, 14-16h.
54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Salle P1-01/B1-10 (1er étage).

Venez nombreux !!!

Mercredi 28 novembre 2018 : Olaf Czaja (Université de Leipzig)
« Maitreya worship in Tibet »

Mercredi 5 décembre : Caroline Damiens (Université Paris ouest Nanterre)
« Les ‘tchoums rouges’ en Sibérie soviétique »

Mercredi 9 janvier : Olivier Boucheron (Ecole d’architecture de Paris-La Villette)
« Ulaanbaatar, ethnographie d’une ville moderne »

Mercredi 13 février 2018 : Charlotte Marchina (INALCO)
« Suivre des éleveurs à la trace : bilan et perspectives d’une étude du nomadisme en Mongolie à l’aide des Systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) »

Mercredi 6 mars 2018 : Caroline Humphrey (MIASU, Cambridge University)
« Horse-relay (örtöö) and Caravan (zhin): The Imaginative Implications of Two Modes of Transport in Early Socialist Mongolia »

Mercredi 17 avril : Grégory Delaplace (Université Paris-Nanterre La Défense)
« L’inquiétude d’être nomade »

Mercredi 15 mai : Clément Jacquemoud (LabEx Hastec, CESOR)
Titre à préciser

Mercredi 12 juin : Marie-Amélie Salabelle (LAS) & Virginie Vaté (CEFRES/GSRL)
« Orthodoxie et peuples autochtones d’Alaska et de Tchoukotka : étude de cas comparée »

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En plus du séminaire, nous organisons cette année Les rencontres des études mongoles & sibériennes, de 18 à 20h au CEMS (même adresse que le séminaire)

Mercredi 14 novembre, 1ère rencontre :
Présentation du livre Proverbes et dictons de Mongolie de Marc Alaux et Charlotte Marchina

Novembre 2018 – Parution : Ivre de steppes. Un hiver en Mongolie

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la sortie le mois prochain du récit Ivre de steppes. Un hiver en Mongolie, de Marc Alaux, aux éditions Transboréal.

« Les montagnes de l’ouest de la Mongolie abritent les yourtes des éleveurs nomades bayad. Dans le campement d’une famille modeste, Marc Alaux s’est retiré le temps d’un hiver pour s’initier au métier de berger et se nourrir de silence et d’espace. Le temps s’étire calmement sur la ligne pure de la steppe enneigée, mais le froid et les loups accablent les troupeaux. Et la vie dans cette nature libre impose de renouer avec les tâches manuelles, qui disent ce qu’on vaut réellement. Au face-à-face avec soi-même s’opposent heureusement l’intimité fraternelle de l’hivernage ainsi que les visites, les chants, les rituels et les festivités du Nouvel An. Écho d’une existence à l’inverse de la demi-mesure, ce récit vibre de l’expérience accomplie et rappelle que seule la passion guide l’homme dans l’immensité. »

Le récit s’enrichit de 5 cartes et schémas, 26 dessins et 72 photos couleurs.
Disponible à la librairie Transboréal (23, rue Berthollet – 75005 Paris) et en ligne

1er septembre 2018 : Appel à communication Buddhism and modernity in Inner Asia – revue State, Religion, and Church in Russia and Worldwide

Call for Journal Papers
Special issue of State, Religion, and Church.
Planned for the fall of 2019

The quarterly peer-reviewed journal “State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide” / “Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom” will dedicate a special issue in the fall of 2019 to the above theme. The editors are particularly interested in exploring how Buddhist traditions of Inner Asia adjusted themselves to the rise of European colonialism, the ideas of nationalism, nation-building, secular state and socialism in the 19th – 20th c. and how Buddhist communities survived in the states with official atheist ideology and in post-Soviet societies.

Historically Buddhist traditions of Inner Asia have been deeply involved into political fabric of various Inner Asian polities. In Tibet and Mongolia, from mid-17th century, the Buddhist clergy dominated political landscape within a unique form of centralized theocracies. With the rise of European powers in the 19th c. (mainly Russian and British empires) local Buddhist communities had to react to Western modernist ideas of nationalism, secularism, socialism etc. These responses took various forms, from rejection to using some of these ideas to the benefit of Buddhists. We will explore these manifold entanglements between tradition and modernity, global and local in the region that went through political disasters and crucial transformations. It allows us to understand how resilient, adaptable and flexible might and may traditional Buddhist institutes be in changing circumstances and what specifically did they transform into, how these transformations impacted and still impact societies of China, Mongolia and Russia. 

Although major Inner Asian regions (today within various Tibetan and Mongolian autonomies and independent Mongolia) experienced official atheism in socialist period, in the aftermath they witness impetuous revitalization of religiosity. And although this revival is tightly connected to restoration of national identities and traditional values it may also take strategy of close alliance with modern secularism, engagements with urgent social issues, political activism, and scientism. These developments sometimes go beyond national borders and assume transnational and even global nature.

Geographically, this special issue will focus on Buddhist traditions of Inner Asia, a broad region traditionally inhabited primarily by the peoples of Tibetan and Mongolian stock. The region overlaps with various states and administrative units within the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation. The time frame begins from early encounters of Buddhist communities with the Europeans till today. 

The range of issues we encourage you to raise in your papers may include Buddhist colonial experiences in Inner Asia; attempts to borrow European ideas for traditional Buddhist state-building; Buddhist contribution to nationalisms, pan-Mongolism and other political movements and ideologies; Buddhist reformism and revivalism; Buddhist interaction with socialist and communist ideologies; survival strategies under repressive regimes; the ways of restoration of Buddhist institutes and religiosity in post-WWII and post-Mao era in the USSR and PRC, as well as post-socialist revival in Mongolia and ‘Buddhist’ republics of Russia.

The journal invites potential participants to submit an application by September 1st, 2018 to the editorial address ( and to the addresses of the guest editors (see below). The application should include the name of the proposed article, an abstract (1200-1500 characters, including spaces), and a brief CV. The deadline for submitting the completed article will be March 15, 2019. The length of the article should be around 40,000 characters (including spaces), or roughly 6000-7000 words. We will accept applications and articles written in Russian and other languages. Guest editors of this special issue: Nikolay Tsyrempilov ( Associate Professor of Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; Irina Garri ( – Senior Researcher, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch).