8 mars 2023 : Séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes – Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet

Nous sommes heureux de vous convier à venir à la séance du séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes le  8 mars 2023 pour écouter Olga Belichenko (MNHN, Paris / Université Ca’ Foscari de Venise), pour une intervention intitulée : “Which berries do I collect? All the edible ones! »: image of edible and medicinal wild resources. Insights from Seto, Karelians (NW Russia), Chukchi and Naukan Yupik (Far East)“. 

Le séminaire aura exceptionnellement lieu en ligne uniquement. 
Informations de connexion: isacharleux@orange.fr 


This presentation will be dedicated to the dynamics of practices linked to plants in two communities at the opposite ends of Russia. Basing on these cases, I will try to demonstrate the peculiarities of these communities and their contexts as well as common changes caused by the influence of Russian culture, Soviet history as well as global tendencies in plant use.
My fieldwork in Seto community was conducted in 2018-2020 in Pechory District of Pskov Oblast, NW Russia.
Setos were less affected by the Soviet collective farming and antireligious propaganda when Pechory District was part of Independent Estonia in 1920-1940. In this agricultural region that has not experienced famine throughout 20 century, wild plant practices were not in the forefront and their significance is little articulated by the local population.
Materials for the Naukan Yupik case were collected in 2014-2015. Naukan people were forced to abandon their home village Nuvuqaq during the resettlement in 1958. Wild edibles play an important role in the subsistence of indigenous peoples of Chukotka as the region has limited supply of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Au plaisir de vous retrouver nombreux,
I. Charleux, G. Delaplace, D. Oparin & V. Vaté