3 mars 2021 : Séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes – Campus Condorcet & visioconférence

La prochaine séance du Séminaire des Études mongoles & sibériennes se tiendra le mercredi 3 mars 2021 de 14 à 16h, en hybride (présentiel au Campus Condorcet, au bâtiment Recherche nord et en ligne). 

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Amgalan Sukhbaatar (GSRL-EPHE) : « Invisible power and visible urbanism: Tracking the views of different urban actors on the urban present and the urban future of Ulaanbaatar »

Are the current urban problems of Ulaanbaatar really caused by the development strategies and urban planning? Who are the key urban actors? How do they act and adapt in the current urbanisation context? What could be possibly the invisible power or power relations in visible urbanism? What are the views of urban actors on the urban present and the future? This presentation focuses the mixed or urban level of social practices including urban planning process, its implementation and actual changes of the residential micro-district during the last three decades, 1990-2020, while exploring macro and micro level of social practices including the foundation of a legal system, legal framework, urban governance process, key actors of three areas, state/municipality, private sector and civil society, and their actions. The main objective aims to emphasise the real power or force behind the activities shaping present urbanism, and highlight key tendencies for the future.

P.S. : Nous devons être moins de 1 personnes. Pour celles qui souhaitent venir en présentiel, merci d’arriver à 13h45 et de m’appeler au 06 48 24 93 42 (je viendrai vous chercher au RDC du bâtiment Recherche nord).

En espérant vous voir nombreux,
Isabelle Charleux, Grégory Delaplace et Virginie Vaté