Le prochain Séminaire des Études mongoles (GSRL-EPHE-SEMS) se tiendra le mardi 4 février de 15h à 17h . Matthiew King (Riverside University, California) présentera une communication intitulée “The Unjust King? The Great Fifth Dalai Lama’s Advice to the Tüšiyetü Qan“
In 1649, the Fifth Dalai Lama penned a letter to Tüšiyetü Qan Gombodorji, the father of the first
Jebtsundamba Zanabazar and a Qalqa ruler who had become a devoted patron. In lines of verse titled A Garland of Mutilala (Tib. Mu thi la’i ‘phreng ba), the Dalai Lama provided Gombodorji with a comprehensive program to fortify his temporal power whilst traversing the path to enlightenment. He did so according to the formal features of subhāṣita and rājanīti: well-spoken advice on the moral affairs of governance. This paper explores the remarkable departures of this letter from received tradition, in particular the moral nihilism it promotes in the matters of state craft and its transformation of the “Two Systems” of unified secular and Dharmic power (Tib. lugs gnyis; Mong. qoyar yosu) into an individuated program for self-making.”
La séance aura lieu au Campus Condorcet , en salle 5.067, dubâtiment de recherche nord, 14 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers. (pour monter au 5e étage il est nécessaire de demander un badge à l’accueil en échange de sa carte d’identité). Métro Front Populaire (Ligne 12) ou RER B La Plaine – Stade de France
Il sera aussi possible d’y assister en ligne (écrire à isacharleux@orange.fr).