Lettre SEMS n°2

Fin novembre 2020


Colloque en ligne “Exchange & conflict in Central Asia: From antiquity to the present”

Free online lectures at Keimyung University’s conference. Generous support from North Gyeongsang province made these presentations possible. Please visit the homepage of the annual International Conference on the Silk Road and Central Asia

Central Asian Cooperation & Conflict in Antiquity

Morris Rossabi (Columbia University and Queens College), “Mongol Impact on Eurasia: Lasting Influence”

George Lane (SOAS, University of London), “The Khitans: Corner Stone of the Mongol Empire”

Shahin Mustafayev (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences), “Daily Life of the people of Kashgaria in the end of 19th century: Evidence of Russian traveler M.V. Pevtsov”

Contemporary Cooperation & Exchange in Central Asia

Magnus Marsden ( University of Sussex), “Beyond the Silk Roads: Trade, Mobility and Geopolitics across Eurasia”

Timur Dadabaev (University of Tsukuba), “Craving for jobs? Revisiting Educational Mobility and Semi-skilled Labor Migration from Uzbekistan to Japan and South Korea”

Central Asia Relations and the Rise of China

Michael Dunford (Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Sussex), “China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its Implications for World Development”

Jeanne Wilson (Wheaton College), “China, Russia and Central Asia: Complementary or Competing Interests?”

William Maley (Australian National University), “Afghanistan’s Intersecting Challenges”

Younkyoo Kim (Hanyang University), “Digital Trade and Geopolitics in Central Asia: China’s Digital Silk Road and Its Security Risks”

Amitendu Palit (National University of Singapore), “Economics & Politics in China-India Relations: New Developments and Emerging Trends”

Yoonmin Kim (Keimyung University), “Sukuk (Islamic Bond) Utilization for One Belt One Road”

29 & 30 octobre 2020 : Colloque “Mongolia 2020 towards Mongolia 2021”

Nadia Breda et Sabrina Tosi Cambini organisent le colloque international “Mongolia 2020 towards Mongolia 2021″ les 29 & 30 octobre 2021 (Université de Florence, en ligne).  Il porte sur les nouveaux défis mongols dans le monde contemporain, du changement climatique à l’avenir des cultures nomades, de la protection de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles à l’économie de marché néolibérale, avec une référence particulière à la production de cachemire et son commerce entre la Mongolie et la Toscane.
Le colloque comprend une table ronde avec les industriels du cachemire italiens, l’ambassadeur de Mongolie en Italie et le consul honoraire de la Toscane. 
Consulter les interventions : partie 1 & partie 2


David Bellatalla, Michele Bernardini, Elea Boennec, Hasotuya Borujigin, Nadia Breda, Marc Brightman, Dulam Bumochir, Nicola Casagli, Khishig E. Gonchig, Donatella Guida, Roberte Hamayon, Gaelle Lacaze, Charlotte Marchina, Elisabetta Ragagnin, Marie Roué, Andrew Shimunek, David Sneath, Charles Stepanoff, Sabrina Tosi Cambini, Lia Zola, Museo del Tessuto di Prato, Associazioni degli industriali, MSUAC University of UlaanBaator.

Thanks to the Agreement of Cultural and Scientific Collaboration (2017-2024) between the University of Florence and the Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture-MSUAC in Ulaanbaator, a deep relationship was developed between our Institutions and Mongolian ones, being MONGOLIA an emerging country at economic, social and cultural levels, not yet well known here.
During the first years of the Agreement, the Florence University team carried out three missions in collaboration with the MSUAC team, also developing a tight collaboration with the French Scholars of INALCO, CEMS, UNIVERSITY OF SORBONNE and LAS-COLLÈGE DE FRANCE. Furthermore, the Humanistic Library of Florence University has started a specific collection of volumes and monographies about Mongolia, a very important initiative in the Italian Libraries scenario.
Today, through this collaboration between Mongolia, Italy, and France, and thanks to renown scholars and experts from all over Europe, such Institution’s network is able to organize an international debate with the twofold aim of starting a systematic dialogue between scholars, and disseminating further knowledge about Mongolia in Europe.
For this purpose, an International Workshops and a National Seminar are organized in live streaming from Florence University, respectively on the 29th and on the 30th of October 2020, as preparatory meetings for the announced International Conference MONGOLIA2021.
The participants in the International meetings are invited to debate about the new Mongolian challenges in the contemporary global scenario, from the climate change to the future of nomadic cultures, from the environment and natural resources protection to the neoliberal market situation, with a special reference to the cashmere production and its commerce between Mongolia and Tuscany.
The meetings will be precious occasions for the participants to present their works and research interests, as well as their contributions to the foreseen International Conference Mongolia 2021.


26 & 27 novembre 2020 : Colloque “The Mongols in Central Europe: The Profile and Impact of their Thirteenth-Century Invasions”

The Mongol Invasion of Hungary and Its Eurasian Context project organises the international workshop “The Mongols in Central Europe: The Profile and Impact of their Thirteenth-Century Invasions”, du 26 novembre 12:30 (UTC+01) au 27 novembre 2020 (18:30 UTC+01).

Lien visioconférence 


26 November 2020

12:30–12:45 Balázs Nagy, Welcome

12:45–13:50 Moderator: István Vásáry
Greetings of Batbayar Zeneemyadar, Ambassador of Mongolia to Hungary
Balázs Nagy: The Mongol Invasion of Hungary and its Central European Context
Attila Bárány: The Response of the West to the Mongol Invasion: 1241-1270

14:00–15:15 Moderator: Christopher P. Atwood
Stephen Pow: The Historicity of Ivo of Narbonne’s Account of a Mongol Attack on “Neustat”
Konstantin Golev: Crime and Punishment: The Mongol Invasion, the Cuman-Qïpchaq Refugees and the Second Bulgarian Empire
Dorottya Uhrin: Beheading Among Nomads

15:30–16:45 Moderator: Konstantin Golev
Adam Lubocki: Mongol Invasion of Hungary  in the Light of Polish Medieval Sources
Tomaš Somer: Sources on the Mongol Invasion of the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1241
Matthew Coulter: Patterns of Communication during the 1241 Mongol Invasion: Insights from the Ottobeuren Letter Collection 

17:00–18:00 Moderator: István Vásáry
Keynote lecture: Christopher P. Atwood: Mongolian Sources on the Great Western Expedition: Some Analytical Comments


27 November 2020

12:30–13:45 Moderator: Alexander Nikolov
Mirko Sardelić: “Quasi per aerem volans”: The Mongols on the Adriatic Coast (AD 1242)
Aleksandar Uzelac: The Kingdom of Hungary and Ulus of Nogai: The Contest for Regional Supremacy at the End of the Thirteenth Century
Ágnes Birtalan: Hungarian Oral Narratives (Hung. népmonda) about the Mongolian Campaign

14:00–15:15 Moderator: Beatrix Romhányi
Zsuzsanna Papp Reed: Inscribing the Mongol Invasion into History: The Chronica Majora and Beyond
Alexander Nikolov: From the Pontic Steppes to Anatolia: The Cuman Refugees from the “Mongol Storm” between 1237 and 1242
Ning Ya: Should the Papal Envoys Bring Gifts for the Mongols? The Role of Polish and Russian Intelligence Information in the Mission of John of Plano Carpini Compared to that of Ascelin of Lombardy

15:30–16:45 Moderator: Mirko Sardelić
Zsolt Pinke: Long-Term Eco-historical Studies for the Wetlands of the Great Hungarian Plain in the Context of the Mongol Invasion
József Laszlovszky: New Archaeological Finds and their Interpretation in the Context of the Mongol Invasion of Hungary
Michal Holeščák: Mongol Invasion of 1241-1242 North of the Danube: Orda Khan´s Trail to Esztergom

17:00–18:10 Moderator: József Laszlovszky
Beatrix Romhányi: Traces of the Mongol Invasion in the Settlement Network of the Kingdom of Hungary: Questions, Answers and Doubts
Béla Zsolt Szakács: The Mongol Invasion and the Early Church Architecture in the Szepes/Spiš/Zips Region
Jack Wilson: The Mongols and the Internet: Online Outreach on the Chinggisid Empire, 2018-2020


20 novembre 2020 : Conférence de Marie Favereau

Marie Favereau (Université de Paris Nanterre) donne une conférence sur « Gengis khan et l’Empire mongol » (qui aurait dû accompagner l’exposition du Musée d’histoire de Nantes, le 20 novembre 2020.



2021 : Séminaire des Études mongoles & Sibériennes

Organisé par Isabelle Charleux, Grégory Delaplace et Virginie Vaté de janvier à mai 2021, un mercredi sur deux(sauf vacances scolaires), de 14h-16h, en ligne.

 A noter : à partir du 10 mars, le séminaire du Centre d’études mongoles et sibériennes fait également office de séminaire de master EPHE, validable aussi par les étudiants de l’EHESS et de l’INALCO.



2020-2021: Séminaire du MIASU

Les séminaires du Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit de Cambridge sont accessibles sur demande.

Le prochain aura lieu le 1er décembre 2021, de 16h30 à 18h, avec Mari Valdur, “Dying of Informality, Dying without Sociality? Abortion Biznes in Ulaanbaatar”

Pour d’autres dates et s’inscrire sur la liste de diffusion d’information, écrire à  miasu-admin@socanth.cam.ac.uk

30 novembre 2020 : Conférence de Manduha Buyandelger

Lundi 30 novembre, Manduha Buyandelger (MCF en anthropologie au MIT, Center for East Asian Studies), auteur de, Tragic Spirits: Shamanism, Gender, and Memory donnera un séminaire sur : “Trading History for Sheep: Memory, Migration, and Buryat-Mongol Identities through Shamanic Practices”, intervient dans le cadre des CEAS Classroom Series



2 décembre 2020  : Journée transversale des doctorants de l’EPHE

Comme chaque année, les doctorantes et doctorants de l’école doctorale de l’EPHE organisent une journée transversale, qui aura lieu cette année sur Zoom, le mercredi 2 décembre 2020.
La Journée transversale vous invite à aborder le thème “(Se) Représenter”. De la représentation artistique à celle en sciences dures, elle procède de la conviction que les doctorants et enseignants-chercheurs en sciences humaines profitent beaucoup de la connaissance des problématiques des sciences de la vie et de la terre, et que les sciences humaines apportent aux doctorants et chercheurs en sciences de la vie et de la terre une perspective qui peut enrichir leur propre démarche scientifique.

À 11h15 dans la session B interviendra Léa Filiu, “De la steppe aux faubourgs des villes, la sédentarisation des populations nomades modifie-t-elle leurs représentations du monde ? Reconfigurations des espaces domestiques et résistance des schèmes de la pratique représentationnelle chez les Tuva de Sibérie du Sud”.

Programme et modalités d’inscription

11 décembre 2020 : Colloque “The Ecology of Mobility in the Eurasian Steppes”

Le Tang Center for Silk Road Studies de Berkeley organise le colloque “The Ecology of Mobility in the Eurasian Steppes”, en ligne, le 11 décembre 2020, de 9h à 14h  (lien zoom à demander angsilkroadcenter@berkeley.edu).

 9-11am         Animal Style Art as a Signal of Religious Affiliation

Kathryn MacFarland (Arizona State Museum), “The Continuity and the Change of Uyghur Rulers’ Legitimation”

Yukiyo Kasai (Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany), “The Great Game on the Silk Road”

Bryan K. Miller (University of Michigan)

Discussant: Andrew Womack (Furman University)


12pm-2pm        The Steppe Frontier and the Origins of Mounted Horseback Riding in East Asia

William Taylor (University of Colorado Museum of Natural History), “Before the Silk Roads”

Alicia Ventresca Miller (University of Michigan), “The Archaeology Behind Genetic Ancestries of Central Eurasia”

Michael Frachetti (Washington University in St. Louis)

Discussant: James Lankton (UCL/UC Berkeley)


Appels à financement

Le GIS-Asie annonce deux appels à financement : l’un concerne l’organisation d’événements scientifiques sur l’Asie, l’autre le soutien à des jeunes chercheurs participant à des colloques à l’international. La date limite pour postuler est fixée au 1er décembre 2020.



Breda Nadia, 2020, La Mongolia tra natura “incontaminata” e cambiamenti climatici. Gli esempi dagli zud e dalle zone umide, in Valentina Bonifacio e Rita Vianello (ed.), Il ritmo dell’esperienza. Dieci casi etnografici per pensare i conflitti ambientali, Prima edizione: settembre 2020, ISSN 2531-5498, ISBN 978 88 5495 266 9, Cleup sc “Coop. Libraria Editrice Università di Padova”